Why Social Self-Care is Essential and How to Implement It

Having a regular connection with others should be a major part of your self-care plan. Humans are social beings, and even extremely introverted people need to bond with others now and then. Having a proper balance of alone time and socialization is key. It is easy to think that socializing alone is the source of extreme anxiety, but this is not the case. Social self-care is mostly about finding the right people and looking within yourself to find the source of your resistance to socialization.

Social self-care is essential because: 

  • It is key to sustainable happiness.
  • It improves mental and emotional well-being.
  • It keeps you active.
  • It manages symptoms of depression and anxiety.

While these benefits alone should motivate you, it can be easy to put your friends, loved ones, or others on the back burner as you deal with life. However, there are many different things you can start doing now to meet new people and add more socialization to your daily, weekly, or monthly routine. 

How to add social self-care into your life:

Join Online or Local Activity Groups 

Even if you’re new to the self-care game, you can find others who are on the same page as you by looking at online and offline groups. Even the biggest introvert needs social activity occasionally. You can find the right people if you look for them on Facebook Groups and other sites. 

Go on Weekly or Monthly Lunch Dates 

Make a point of going to see your friends or distant family more often. You can preplan a weekly or monthly date with your friends and family (a different one each time) and keep up with it in a non-stressful way. The more you can feel connected to society and others, the better you’ll feel about your life and the opportunities it provides. 

Get Involved in Your Local Community 

Your community needs you more than ever. You can step up to serve at a soup kitchen or an animal shelter or get involved in something more attached to you, such as the parent-teacher association if you have kids in school or your church. Whatever you do, find a way to connect to your local community in a way that you’re not doing now. Remember, you can do something just monthly, and you can say no to too much. 

Simply FaceTime, Call, or Message a Loved One 

Reach out to your friends, family, and people you meet online and offline by setting up a time to FaceTime them or call them. Your loved ones, especially the elderly, will appreciate the connection, and it will feel good to you too. 

Finding a balance is key to crafting a successful self-care plan. Remember, you don’t need to communicate every single day to see results. Instead, look within yourself to find a reasonable time to spend with others. 

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