The Dos and Don’ts of Proper Self-Care

Following a routine just because you believe it is self-care does not mean you will see results, be happy, or feel content. There are many things you can do that, on the surface, look like self-care but are only providing the opposite results. Therefore, before you try anything new, it is always a good idea to learn the dos and don’ts of self-care before you get started to increase your chance of success.

Do More Things You Love 

So many people don’t enjoy life because they turned it into “all work and no play.” If every moment of your life is a “have to” and nothing is a “want to,” it’s going to make life hard. Instead, design your days so that you’re doing more of the things you love. If you have fallen for the idea that work is supposed to be difficult or boring, you may want to find ways to change your perspective by studying people who earn a living doing what they love. 

Don’t Assume Self-Care is Only Pampering 

Self-care is far more than baths, essential oils, and getting your hair done. Self-care is also not an excuse to buy expensive or outlandish presents, especially if you can’t afford them. Instead, self-care is about taking care of your entire body, mind, and spirit fully and completely, as you would expect the best parent in the world to do for their children. 

Establish Proper Boundaries 

Establishing proper boundaries is a crucial aspect of self-care. It involves recognizing your limits and respecting the boundaries of others. If you tend to be a people pleaser or rely heavily on external validation when making decisions, you may struggle with setting boundaries effectively. Taking the time to understand yourself better, including your needs, values, and preferences, enables you to establish clear boundaries that honor your well-being.

To establish boundaries effectively, it’s important to communicate your needs and concerns openly. If something bothers you or makes you uncomfortable, speaking up respectfully can help create healthier dynamics in your relationships. This not only reinforces your self-care but also encourages others to respect your boundaries. Remember that setting boundaries is an ongoing process, and it requires self-awareness, assertiveness, and a commitment to prioritizing your well-being.

Don’t Feel Guilty or Selfish 

Taking care of yourself is not selfish. For example, try not to feel guilty choosing a hot bath over fixing an elaborate meal for the family, but don’t avoid taking the time to feel and notice your emotions or feelings. Your emotions are valid even when they’re not that productive. 

Plan and Enjoy the Process

Getting to know yourself and learning to take better care of the person you are (and the person you desire to become) is a process that will not be finished overnight or after a 30-day challenge. Try not to expect perfection overnight. Instead, focus on the journey you are creating for yourself. Enjoy the process of living. 

Don’t Assume a One-Size Solution

While the advice given here and in other areas is valid, it might not work for you. In other words, don’t expect the self-care habit that your best friend loves to be right for you. Most things are not one-size-fits-all, and even if they are labeled that way, they are mostly wrong. 

Keep this list in mind when you develop your self-care goals or daily routine. Don’t follow a plan that leads you to the wrong path. Instead, following this list will ensure you create the right plan for yourself and the goals you hope to achieve.

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