10 Ways To Improve Your Overall Immunity

improving immunity image of protection

The healthy immune system is a collection of immune cells, organs, and substances that defend the body against infection and illness. It boosts the body at the cellular level and attempts to rid it of anything unfamiliar. 


Any substance that enters the body that the immune system does not recognize is known as an antigen. When an antigen enters our bodies, the immune response is triggered and the attack to get rid of it begins. To support your immune system, it has the ability to destroy anything containing a particular antigen, including, germs, viruses, and cancer cells.

It’s safe to say that we wouldn’t be around too long without our immunity because it is a tireless warrior protecting our health. There are bacteria and viruses everywhere, not to mention helminths (worms) and tiny mites that carry infection and our immune systems continuously fight all types of bacteria, viruses, and various parasites. 

We also use our immunity to fight and kill cancerous cells that can pop up in our systems and while of course, it is not always successful as people still get cancer, those with a poor immune system get cancer at higher rates than individuals who take care of their immune system.

Therefore, It is important to be sure and take care of our immune system health. Thankfully, some of the ways in which we can do this are also beneficial in other ways to our overall health.

Here are 10 tips to boost your immune system

How can we maximize the effectiveness of our immune system to stay as healthy as possible? Let’s look at a few ways.

Get immunized. Every year, you are given the opportunity to get an influenza shot. This “shot in the arm” will literally boost your immunity against the likely influenza viruses floating around through the winter months. Older people should get the Pneumovax vaccine, which prevents pneumonia caused by pneumococcal bacteria.  

Eat well. This means getting enough nutrition through fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds. There are nutrients in these foods that act as antioxidants, scavenging your body for oxygen-free radicals that can damage cellular systems. Research has shown that increasing the number of fruits and vegetables in your diet can improve the ability of immunizations to “take hold.” Focus on fiber-rich vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, and healthy fats.

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Stay away from tobacco smoke. Tobacco smoke ruins immunity, even if you aren’t an actual smoker. Kids have an increased risk of getting middle ear infections and lung infections when exposed to secondhand smoke by way of parents or family members smoking around them. Adults are more prone to getting bronchitis and pneumonia when exposed to tobacco smoke. The toxic ingredients in smoke lessen your ability to fight off all kinds of infections.  

Cut down on alcohol. Those who excessively drink alcohol have an increased risk of getting infections from a poor immune system. Pulmonary infections are particularly likely to happen in heavy drinkers.  Exercise regularly. It can be any form of exercise, as long as you are moving. Try jogging, yoga, or gentle weight lifting. Too many rigorous workouts can actually weaken the immune system and leave you vulnerable to flu and viruses. 

Eat probiotics. Probiotics are one of the best things to reach mainstream medicine. Probiotics are found in some yogurts as well as in capsule form. They consist of living spores of healthy bacteria or living organisms themselves. They colonize the gut and displace the “bad bacteria” that can make you sick. With probiotics, you can have a healthier gut immune system and can avoid gastrointestinal upset from bacteria or fungi in the gut.  

Eat garlic. Garlic is an antimicrobial agent in and of itself. It boosts the immune system in a general way but is inactivated by heat. For this reason, you should add garlic to foods just before serving the food.  

Take vitamins. Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting cell function and protecting against environmental oxidative stress (free radicals and pollutants). The best way to get Vitamin C is through oranges, strawberries, spinach, kiwi, and grapefruit. Vitamin D can enhance your immune response and may protect you from respiratory conditions. It’s often called “the sunshine vitamin” because sunlight is a great source. However, this depends on your skin’s melanin level. Only 10 minutes of sun exposure daily produce plenty of vitamin D for fair-skinned individuals. No more or you are susceptible to skin cancer. Those with dark brown skin tones who never burn would be better off taking a vitamin D supplement.

Reduce your stress level. Yes, it’s easier said than done. However, here’s why it’s crucial: Stress affects your body’s immune response. It causes you to produce extra levels of cortisol and cytokines, which trigger inflammation. It can decrease the number of white blood cells available to fight infection, leaving you at risk for cold sores and colds. In addition, people who are stressed are probably not getting enough sleep and eating right, so they are neglecting other healthy habits that boost immunity.

Immune Supporting Herbs. There are tons of immune-supportive herbs out there and probably yet to be developed. Some important ones are eleuthero, Asian ginseng, astragalus, and American ginseng. These have been used in Chinese medicine for millennia to prevent infection and keep the body healthy. They can be found at health food stores everywhere and even at certain pharmacies.  

Echinacea tincture. Echinacea is good for respiratory infections, especially when taken early in the course of the infection. Make a tincture yourself or get one from a reputable herbalist.  

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