15 Weight Loss Motivation Tips

Are you struggling to lose weight? Do you find yourself constantly dieting and working out but not seeing the results that you want? You’re not the only one. Millions of people all over the world are just like you – battling their weight. The good news is that there are strategies for getting what you want.

A healthy weight-loss journey can often seem like an impossible goal. Whether you’re looking to lose 10, 20, or 30 pounds, it can be difficult to know where to begin. The good thing is that the road to losing weight and keeping it off is easier than you think.

While it may take time to get your weight under control, there are many ways to reach your goal, and you don’t have to do them all at once. With some patience and dedication, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.

It’s helpful to understand how motivation works. It is a powerful tool, but it is just that – a tool. It gets you going, but then discipline and habits need to kick in. This article will discuss 15 ways to stay motivated and lose weight to get in shape and have the desired body!

1. List the reasons why you want to lose weight

Many of us go to the doctor’s office, and our provider advises us that it’s best for our health to lose some weight. However, research has shown that those who are most successful at losing weight come up with their own plans and motivation.

That’s why you need to write down your reasons and goals. If those reasons are outwardly directed, consider this: one 2018 study found that women who wanted to lose weight to improve their appearance were less successful than those who were concerned with their health and overall fitness.

2. Recognize that you may lack real motivation.

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You’ve probably heard a ton of weight loss advice. It seems like there should be an easy answer for every dieter, which keeps expensive weight loss diet plans that furnish you meals in business, but most of us just aren’t that lucky. Motivation is a key.

Most people who are struggling with their weight are motivated enough at least to get off the couch. But if they’re not excited about what they’re doing, the first step to revving their plan is identifying why their motivation is waning.

It may seem simple, yet far too many seek to avoid this emotion without stopping to acknowledge it. Your foundation for additional inspiration is acceptance. A later study concurred.

Specifically, researchers found that the frequency, consistency, and level of detail in self-monitoring and reporting improved their level of intrinsic motivation—and their weight loss.

3. Concentrate on process goals

Most people who are trying to lose weight fail because they are focused on the end (X pounds) and have no idea where and how to start. Most times, the end game or outcome goal can be too distant and leave you feeling overwhelmed.

You should set process goals and look at how you will get there.

Meditation on the beach

Focus on Your Goals

You should also set small intermediate goals in between the big ones. SMART goals have elements that can help you achieve your results faster. Employing Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound factors can really help move you in the right direction.

Some examples you can use are:

  • I’m going to limit dessert to 2x/week for the first four weeks of my diet.
  • I’m going to limit my calories to 1200 per/day and with a target of 2 pounds per week of weight loss over one month.
  • I will decrease my carbohydrate consumption to 2 carb items per day to shrink my abdomen by 2 inches over the next month.

4. Choose a Strategy That Suits Your Lifestyle

Pick a weight loss diet plan that you can stick to, avoiding plans that would be hard to follow in the long term. (Nothing but grapefruit? Really?) Don’t follow a strict diet that completely eliminates some foods. People with an “all or nothing” mentality are less likely to lose weight.

If you want to succeed, it is vital that you plan for success, build good health habits, follow through with discipline, and meet your goals. It takes work, but a small progression of success builds on top of each step.

Progress will give you more motivation, but more importantly, it will teach you how to be more disciplined, which is the real key to success.

Test this out with small steps. For example, cut your portions by a third on your next meal. It may leave you feeling a little hungry. Can you take that in stride?

The same goes for exercise; obviously, the more active you are, the less overweight you tend to be. Find an activity that you enjoy and take small steps.

Most people who commit to exercising find that the more they exercise, the more they enjoy it.

You’ll feel accomplished by hitting a new personal record or finishing a race in your chosen activity. These activities can be done by yourself, or you may find it more enjoyable when you’re exercising in a group.

5. Detach “Motivation” From “Discipline”

Motivation moves you in the right direction, but discipline gets you over the hurdle. Motivation can only carry you so far, so you have to be disciplined enough to work on your SMART goals and move the needle when motivation runs out.

6. Create a Weight Loss Journal

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It’s important to monitor your progress to stay motivated and successful. Keep track of what you eat, writing down everything you eat, including meals, snacks, and the piece of candy you ate off your coworker’s desk.

You can also record your emotions in your food journal. This can help you identify certain triggers for overeating and teach you healthier ways to cope. Sure, you can keep a food journal on your phone, tablet, or computer, and there are websites and apps, but if you’re already spending most of your day tapping away at those machines, there’s always a paper notebook.

7. Plan Goals and Motivation

If you’ve set up electronic reminders (birthdays, anniversaries), why not set them up for your weight loss strategies? Set yourself a goal to lose a pound a week and stay on track.

If you’re old-fashioned, write it down on your bathroom mirror or a piece of paper that’s taped to your bathroom door.

8. Celebrate your Achievements.

When you’re losing weight, you should be proud of your efforts to get where you are today. Achieve a goal? Give yourself credit.

Take pride in what you’ve done.

People who are working towards a goal often share their successes with their friends and family or on social networking sites (but beware of those who live to deflate others). Reached a goal? Celebrate and move on to the next one. For example, if you’ve lost 20 pounds in two months, get a new outfit you can fit into to celebrate the wins.

9. Seek Social Support

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People who want to reach their goals need regular motivation and encouragement.

Tell your friends and family that you want to lose weight, and ask for their support along your journey. When your partner or family member becomes your weight loss buddy, you can expect them to encourage you, cheer you on, and help you when times get tough.

Finding a weight loss friend with whom you can work out is often helpful.

10. Make a Commitment

Think about buying a gym membership, taking a series of training courses, or registering for a 5K run. If you’ve previously committed, you’re more likely to follow through.

Making a public commitment to lose weight will also help you stay motivated and hold you accountable.

11. Put Away Your Scale (most days)

Any device used to track your weight loss progress is very important, but it should not be your only focus. In this digital age, we have a plethora of tools to help us track our progress, update our body measurements, and track how many steps we take each day.

These are all good tools and provide digital clues to our progress. It’s also important to use some self-awareness. Are you feeling healthier than you did a week ago? Have you incorporated a lifestyle change that will affect your success?

12. Think and Speak Positively

People who have positive expectations and are confident that they can achieve their goals tend to lose more weight. If you start talking positively about your weight loss, this could be another technique to move the scale on the downward path to your success.

One other thing that’s important is making sure that you don’t set unrealistic expectations for yourself. You need to think of your goals as a journey that includes getting healthy, reaching your goals, and maintaining your new lifestyle.

13. Prepare for problems and failures

A lot of challenges will pop up. Stay disciplined and adjust your strategies and tactics no matter what life throws your way!

Studies have shown that people who are good at handling stress and have effective strategies to deal with stressful situations will lose more weight and keep it off longer. 

If need be, get support and ask for help.

14. Learn to respect and love your body, “warts” and all

Research has found that those who don’t like their bodies are also more likely to gain weight than those who do. Okay, you don’t have a supermodel’s body.

Many of them talk about their physical and mental agonies, so count your blessings!  

15. Seek Qualified Assistance When Needed

Sometimes, it’s best to get professional help from a nutritionist or dietitian when your weight loss goals aren’t being met or you just can’t get started.

Fitness coaches, dietitians, exercise physiologists, and psychologists can help you stay motivated and learn more about losing weight. They can also help you set realistic goals and provide support along the way.

A long-term weight loss journey takes a lifestyle change, effective strategies, and discipline to build good health habits and meet your goals. Go! Do! 

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